Thursday, April 25, 2024


The Medicinal Garden Kit

Planting a medicinal herb garden will bring new and exciting aspects to your green world and many benefits. But even so, if you don’t want to plant them now, for any reason, you can keep the seeds for when you feel the time is right. 

I know a few people who grabbed three Medicinal Garden Kits each, just to store them in case of a crisis that affects our medical system and the pharmaceutical chains. These Medicinal Garden Kits are perfect for people who want to be more self-reliant and for those who are preparing for the worst of times.

With your Medicinal Garden Kit, you’ll always have one reliable, safe, and completely free natural alternative within easy reach. All 10 of these healing plants are good companions for vegetables and fruit trees, but you can also plant them in the front yard if you wish.  Most of the medicinal herbs found in the kit are perennials that die in the winter and re-emerge in the spring or self-seeding annuals that become well established after the first year.

So your medicinal garden will keep coming back year after year, without having to replant it. With the kit you are purchasing a lifelong backyard pharmacy.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


How to Improve Your Credit Score for Adulting Noobs

Establishing good credit is a crucial step for young adults as they navigate the financial landscape. Good credit opens doors to better opportunities, from securing a loan for a car or a home to getting approved for a credit card with favorable terms. Why is building good credit so important, and how can it benefit young adults in the long run?

Good credit is a reflection of your financial responsibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of lenders. It can impact your ability to borrow money, rent an apartment, or even land a job. A strong credit history can lead to lower interest rates on loans, saving you money in the long term. Additionally, good credit can provide a safety net in times of financial need, giving you access to emergency funds when necessary.

Top 5 Actions to Improve Credit

1. Pay bills on time: Payment history makes up a significant portion of your credit score, so make sure to pay all bills, including credit card bills, on time.

2. Keep credit card balances low: Aim to keep your credit card balances below 30% of your credit limit to demonstrate responsible credit usage.

3. Limit new credit applications: Opening multiple new credit accounts in a short period can lower your average account age and negatively impact your credit score.

4. Monitor your credit report: Regularly check your credit report for errors or fraudulent activity that could harm your credit score.

5. Diversify your credit mix: Having a mix of credit types, such as credit cards, student loans, and a mortgage, can show lenders that you can manage different types of debt responsibly. A car loan is a quick method to enhance your credit score, if payments are made on time and the full loan is paid off ahead of schedule.

By following these top actions to improve credit, young adults can set themselves up for a more secure financial future. Building good credit takes time and discipline, but the benefits of a strong credit history are well worth the effort.

This How To is presented by Coach Trina @

Saturday, April 20, 2024


The 10 Most Sought-After Bartering Items in an Emergency

In times of crisis, having valuable items for bartering can be essential for survival. Consider stocking up on items that have long-term value and are in high demand during emergencies.

Here are the top 10 most sought-after bartering items in an emergency:

1. Water

Water is a basic necessity for survival. In an emergency situation, clean drinking water may become scarce, making it a highly sought-after bartering item.

Make sure to have water purification tablets or water filtration devices on hand.



2. Non-perishable Food

Non-perishable food items like canned goods, rice, and dried fruits are valuable commodities in an emergency. They provide sustenance and energy when fresh food is not readily available.



3. Medical Supplies

Bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and other medical supplies are crucial in emergencies.

Having a stockpile of these items can make you a valuable resource for others in need.


4. Tools

Tools like multi-toolsknives, and duct tape can be incredibly useful in emergency situations.  They can help with repairs, construction, and various other tasks that may arise.


5. Personal Hygiene Items

Items like soap, toothpaste, and toilet paper are often overlooked but are essential for maintaining health and sanitation. In an emergency, these items can be highly sought after.


6. Fuel

Fuel in the form of gasoline, propane, or firewood can be crucial for cooking, heating, and transportation in emergencies.

Having extra fuel stored can be a valuable bartering item.




7. Clothing and Blankets

In harsh conditions, having extra clothing and blankets can mean the difference between comfort and discomfort. These items are highly sought after in emergencies for warmth and protection.



8. Communication Devices

In emergencies, communication devices like radios, walkie-talkies, and batteries are essential for staying informed and connected.

These items are valuable for maintaining contact with others.


9. Seeds

Seeds for fruits, vegetables, and herbs can be valuable for long-term survival in emergencies.

They provide the means to grow your own food and sustain yourself over time.



10. Barterable Skills

Skills like first aid, carpentry, hunting, and farming can be invaluable in emergencies. Offering your expertise in exchange for goods or services can be a powerful bartering tool.


By understanding the value of these 10 sought-after bartering items in an emergency, you can better prepare yourself for unforeseen circumstances. Remember to stock up on these essentials and be ready to trade for what you need to survive.

Presented by Coach Trina at

Sunday, March 24, 2024


10 Likely Events That Will Follow An EMP

The threat of an EMP has been present for many decades, but over recent years, the notion and possibility of an EMP attack have entered into mainstream awareness.

What is an EMP?  It's an Electromagnetic Pulse and this is what happens.
An electromagnetic pulse, also referred to as a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a brief burst of electromagnetic energy. The origin of an EMP can be natural or artificial, and can occur as an electromagnetic field, as an electric field, as a magnetic field, or as a conducted electric current.

be prepared for an emp event

There are numerous books, TV shows, and movies on the subject. The challenge in preparing for an EMP attack is the uncertainty of the aftermath. It could be hours, weeks or even years before help arrives. Acquiring essential survival skills is crucial during this period.


Here is a list of 10 events that will most likely happen after an EMP:

1. Confusion

Following an EMP attack, mass confusion ensues, especially if electronic devices like smartphones and radios are destroyed due to the strength of the EMP.

When power outages occur alongside electronic devices becoming ineffective, individuals may feel perplexed by the situation.

solar powered devices are necessary in emp emergency situations


Be sure to have a way to provide power to life sustaining devices, such as the Solar Powered Emergency Radio, Bluetooth Speaker, Flashlight, Mobile Charger.


2. Panic And Looting

When the confusion subsides, the general population will panic right away. When the power goes out, we anticipate a prompt restoration.

Even after major disasters, the power never stays off permanently. As soon as people realize that the lights are not coming back on, there will be panic, and that panic will lead to widespread looting.

emergency solar lighting for survival situations after an emp event


Be sure to have a solar powered light, so you aren't lost in the dark. This Portable folding solar camping light with 5 kinds of lighting modes, 180 degree beam, adjustment angle, and a top Solar charging or USB charging is perfect for lighting up the darkness.



3. Food Shortages

No power stops food production. This means that what is on store shelves is all the food that will be available. Local distribution centers will have extra stock, but it'll run out within days.

The outcome is that the food supplies people have at home will be their only source of sustenance until international disaster relief arrives.

In times of crisis, having a reliable and long-lasting food storage solution becomes crucial. That's why we recommend growing your own food with a gardenraising chickens and planting multiple fruit trees, so you can ensure your family's food security and have a dependable supply in case of emergencies.


4. Water And Sanitation Will Cease

In the absence of grid power, the pumps providing water and sanitation will need to transition to backup generators. If these generators are damaged by EMP or deplete their fuel supply, fresh water will no longer be accessible, and sewage produced by each household will be left untreated.

A significant increase in waterborne diseases is expected as a result. Additionally, due to limited knowledge on proper human waste disposal, individuals may dispose of waste in unsanitary ways, leading to contamination of freshwater sources.

a water filtration system is imperative to have in your emergency supplies


It's imperative to have a way of creating fresh water supplies for your family by using a water filtration system.  Our Portable ABS Water Filter Multifunction Survival Tool is an excellent tool to have in your emergency kit. 



5. Hospitals Will Shut Down

An EMP interrupts supply chains and hospital generators, leaving medical staff lacking essential equipment and a diminishing supply of drugs and other necessities.

Hospitals may opt to outsource services like food, laundry, cleaning, and security. In case of an EMP, the subcontractor employees may be absent.

Most nurses and doctors will likely leave work to return home to their families, especially upon learning of extended power outages.

the home doctor book is a great way to perform your own procedures


You'll need to know how to take care of medical issues on your own. Having a book to help you take care of your own emergency needs is imperative after an EMP event. 

6. Prison Wardens Will Have Hard Choices To Make

During an EMP event, the electronics within a prison will cease functioning. Due to the significant ratio of prisoners to guards, the facility's wardens must implement a lockdown.

Upon the wardens recognizing the lights will not return, they must determine how to handle the offenders.

The supply of food, water, and resources would halt; gradually, guards would leave their positions to safeguard their families at home.

The option is to release the prisoners, hold them under lockdown to perish from dehydration or starvation, or carry out their execution.

7. Planes May Fall From The Sky

An electromagnetic pulse could disrupt the electronics of aircraft in flight, causing them to glide. While some pilots might safely land these planes, many are likely to crash.

Certain pilots may successfully land these planes with some degree of safety, however, a significant number of aircraft will experience crashes and fires. It is highly probable that some of these planes will collide with densely populated regions, resulting in significant casualties on the ground.


8. An Unprecedented Death Toll

An EMP attack could lead to a 90% mortality rate in the US due to lack of essentials like food, water, sanitation, and healthcare, resulting in dehydration, starvation, violence, disease, injury, and chronic illness.

Many individuals grapple with illnesses that can be effectively managed through medication and consistent treatments. Tragically, without these interventions, they may succumb to their conditions in potentially dire ways.


9. The Economy Will Drastically Change

In the event of electronic banking system failure, cash may be considered valuable. However, post-EMP, cash loses value as the government supporting it faces collapse.

In place, gold, silver, ammo, meds, alcohol, tobacco, and other vices will serve as currency. Similarly, food, water, and survival gear will be key barter items, shaping local economies based on supply and demand.

One of the most precious assets for trade is knowledge and skills. A versatile individual could thrive in a post-EMP society.


10. Nuclear Plants May Meltdown

An EMP would cause nuclear plants to initiate an emergency shutdown. The challenge lies in the necessity to continue cooling the fuel rods through the circulation of cooling water.

These pumps require power, and the diesel generators will only run for as long as there is fuel. Eventually, these plants will melt unless creative measures are taken to prevent it. These meltdowns will result in an unprecedented nuclear catastrophe.

These are just ten potential outcomes that an EMP might trigger. In the event of an EMP attack, numerous unexpected scenarios are likely to arise.

The optimal approach is to anticipate the unforeseen and maintain a high level of adaptability and creativity.

It is essential to develop practical off-grid skills to stand a chance when the grid fails, ensuring you are prepared when the lights return.


Presented by Coach Trina at