Saturday, September 17, 2022

6 Amish Skills You Should Learn Before The Next Crisis


6 Amish Skills You Should Learn Before The Next Crisis

SEPTEMBER 17, 2022

These are the top 6 Amish Skills You Should Learn Before The Next Crisis.

The Amish can teach us more about living within a world of no modern amenities than any other culture in America. They have been living like this for hundreds of years and would be at the top of the food chain if another major disaster should arrive.

The Amish are not only known for living in a simple, humble life but also for crafting their own utensils and tools and for preparing everything they might need in any situation.

They have been maintaining their skill this way for years, and there is no doubt that we can adopt some of these skills to get through the hard times ahead.
With the way things are heading right now, it is probably only a matter of weeks or days until the next economic crash, so lets get prepared before it's too late.


1) The Skill of Community
One of the core values of the Amish people, one that has been long forgotten by our modern, self-centered society, is the natural sense of belonging to a community. Along with this comes the instinct of helping one another, which is well established among the Amish and teaches them to stay strong and to get over all hurdles.
Amish community work together to form a bond that will help them get through natural disastersWhen a disaster hits, looters will band together into strong groups that will take everything you have. If you are not part of a strong community, you will be easy pray and may even end up 6 foot under.
Overcoming any struggle is a matter of teamwork, the Amish understand this and we need to get back to that community mentality or we might not survive the next emergency.It is essential to know who is there to help you, so make sure to not only prepare yourself with emergency supplies and skills, but also with a solid community of other like-minded people.


2) Mastering the Skill of Plants
If there is one thing the Amish know, it is how to use plants, from making natural medicine to preparing nutritious meals. The Amish have learned how to make the most out of any plant in their backyard, even the ones that we call weeds. They learn from an early age how to identify these plants, how to prepare them, how to seed them, and how to use them.
The Amish know how to make healing remedies from all sorts of plants and to use them to make amazing meals.

In a crisis, pharmacies can quickly run out of the medicines you need or be looted. The same will happen to the supermarkets. Food and medicine might not be available for long periods of time, so we need to be able to create our own from natures bounty.

Knowing the edible and medicinal plants growing in your area is something I would recommend for everyone. At the very least, keep close a physical book on edible and medicinal plants with large color pictures so you can easily identify them in a emergency situation. 


3) The Skill of Crafting

In modern society the craft of creating for ourselves is long gone. It's too easy these days to just jump online and buy what we want. What happens when there is no internet and the store is out of goods?

The Amish are great at crafting their own clothes, furniture and supplies.We'll need the fundamental skills of manual labor. We need to learn the necessary skills to provide for ourselves, like our past relatives knew, such as; sewing, carpentry, knitting and plumbing. 

These crafts used to be passed down from generation to generation and they still should be as a tool of thriving.

The problem is that most of these skills have been lost. Young folks no longer want to learn these necessary survival skills and unless we learn these skills now, we won't know how to do them when we need those skills the most.


4) The Skill Of Taking Care of Your Supplies
In a materialistic society like ours, it is hard to appreciate what we already have because most Americans are spoiled by the ease of getting anything the want from the internet. When something breaks, we instantly replace it because it's the easiest way to get what we want.
The Amish all get together for a barn raising day. Knowing how to build your home and keep your tools in good working order is most valuable in a survival situationWe need to start learning how to look after our home and supplies and keep them in proper working condition for a long time. In a crisis, we might not be able to get new ones.
The Amish know how to keep their tools rust-free. They do not forget them outside in the rain letting them rust. They know how to build a house from foundation to the roof and everything in between. Could you build a house by yourself if a natural disaster struck?


5) The Skill of Collecting Water

Amish communities don’t have running water in their homes or communities. They are not connected to the communal water pipes, so they have to discover ways to bring water to them.

Running water is important to have during an emergency situation. The Amish know how to find water, dig wells and procure water for themselves. If running water stops suddenly for a few months, what are you going to do? In an emergency, you will have to experience for yourself the possible dangers in procuring the water you need and your family needs to survive, every day.

This is extremely difficult as you need water not only to drink, but for bathing, cooking, washing your clothes and washing your dishes. You need an average of 2 gallons of water each day per person.The Amish communities have dug water wells. They also collect rainwater in safe barrels and know how to keep it fresh for future use. This is a necessary skill that everyone should know. If you can find water,  you'll die within days. 

6) The Skill of Not Needing Electricity
The Amish live independently from the grid.
We are so too used to our day-to-day appliances that we almost forget about the hopeless situation we will find ourselves in when our power goes down.
Amish use underground cellars to store food and supplies in case of a disaster. They don't rely on electricity to keep their food coldMany of our appliances in our homes need electricity to run, so they will be useless in a power outage: refrigerators, air conditioners, microwaves, laptops, smartphones, radios, washing machines, ovens, stoves, lights…everything is useless to us in an emergency.
The Amish use simple, old-school ways to serve the same purpose. They have cool root cellars, nonperishable foods, hand carts, buggies with horses and many other non-electrical tools. To survive an emergency situation we need to start building and procuring these items for ourselves. 


I hope you enjoyed this blog about the 6 Amish Skills You Should Learn Before The Next Crisis. I suggest you start watching YouTube for ways to get these things started for yourself, because you might not have YouTube available in an emergency situation. 

Friday, September 9, 2022

What do your personal dreams actually mean to you?

Here's a real question for you.  What do your personal dreams actually mean to you?

Do they just live in your head in a fantasy world?

What's stopping you from taking the actions to making your dreams a reality?

For most it's a lack of time and lack of money that stops them from reaching their dreams and goals. It could also be many other countless doubts you or someone close to you is putting in your head, making you feel insecure about going after those dreams. 

I've been there. Right where you are, with those exact same doubts and barriers. Wishing that somehow they would come true, but they won't unless you do something about it. 

The choice is yours: Keep your dreams in your head or take action and make them a reality. Take one small step a day and you'll be 365 steps closer to your dreams by the end of a year.

We all know about setting goals, all the gurus, life coaches and counselors talk  about setting goals.  Do you ever wonder why?  Because they work! 

Setting goals helps trigger new behaviors, helps guide your focus and helps you sustain a good forward momentum in life. Goals can also help align your focus and promote a sense of self-mastery and confidence. In the end, you can't manage what you don't measure and you can't improve upon something that you don't properly manage.

I can boil successful days down to three activities. Everything else is noise and distractions. Things like Netflix, laziness, bringing work home with me, social media and all of the other crap that pulls at my attention is a barrier to my achieving success.

There will be trials and mistakes along the path, but if I spend my days learningdoing, and selling, I know I’ll come out ahead. There is very seldom an earth-shattering change overnight, but over time there will be cumulative gains in every aspect of my business and life.

If you work a little on your goals every single day, you will continue moving forward in achieving your goals and someday you will finally have arrived to see success knocking at your door.

1) Learn

Just about every hugely successful person in history set time aside every day for reading and learning. Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Benjamin Franklin, etc…. They were always learning, searching for knowledge.

The list and examples go on forever. People who are extremely successful that don’t spend time learning each day are the exception, not the rule. Constantly learning obviously works to help you get to your personal goals. 

If I study a minimum of 1 hour each day, that adds up to 365 hours each year. That is over 15 days (24 hours straight) of learning. With that extra learning, I know that I’ll have significantly more skills, experience and knowledge at the end of the year that will help me reach those dreams that I so desire to have.

And that’s just if I do the minimum!

Learning can take many forms. You can read books, listen to podcasts, take online training, watch YouTube tutorials, attend a webinar or attend live training. Whatever fits your lifestyle and your style of learning, but go for it.

A mix of these different learning methods is the most effective for me. I can fit the learning to the situation. I listen to books on my phone when I am cleaning, getting ready for work or driving in the car, I'm constantly researching issues and problems that clients are having troubles with, or sit down and focus intently on an online course. Regardless, time spent learning is never wasted time.

2) Do

Stop analyzing, thinking, strategizing, theorizing, worrying, and just go for it. Take as step forward, no matter how small or large. Any action forward is getting you one step closer to your goals, your dreams and a better quality of life in the future.

It’s really easy to get caught up in our own heads and overthink things. We’re scared of failure, other people’s judgement, and whether we’re doing the right thing. It's okay to feel that way, this is normal, but don't let that stop you for forward progression.

As Thomas Edison said, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

The sooner we execute, the faster we learn whether we’re on the right path. If we’re not, we can adjust and move forward faster, as long as, we keep going. It’s hard to beat someone who never stops executing, trying, and bouncing back from setbacks. Eventually that person will break through and find success.


Here’s a quick tip to keep you pushing forward. Set measurable goals and track your progress. A simple daily journal or a chart on the wall will help you remember how far you’ve come. Seeing the progress will help you keep doing.

3) Sell

Every business in the world is selling something. This is an absolute fact. I don’t care what you do, you sell something. It  can be items, but it is also knowledge, your company, your time. 

I have come to realized that becoming a better marketer, spending time on client relationships and building my own marketing strategy is never a waste of time. This process must be constantly worked on, updated and executed. 

I’m always moving forward and improving as a marketer, building more sales channels, trying new strategies and finding ways to get my products and services into the right people’s hands. The trick is to not give up, as soon as you give up you have lost. 

4) The Rest

Don't forget to take time everyday to manage your business. This isn’t part of my three activities to get you 365 steps closer to your goal, but it is a necessity you can’t ignore. Don't allow you business to run you. Stay in control, if you need to hire someone to do the small stuff and take that stress off your plate, then do it. 

Make sure you set your priorities straight. Choose which activities are most important to you and your business and accomplish those goals first each day. Most people are more creative and can think more clearly in the morning, so take advantage of that and concentrate on those things that are most important. 

Whatever you do, don't give up on yourself and your personal dreams. If you keep learning, doing and selling every day, you'll be sure to make a significant breakthrough by the end of a year.  It takes hard work and dedication to learn, do and sell every single day, but it’s worth the effort and in the end you'll be so happy that you did.

So, tell me ... What do your personal dreams actually mean to you?