While using potatoes as a substitute for Easter eggs may be an interesting idea, there are a few reasons why it may not be the most practical solution.
Easter egg potatoes. Not a good idea to replace expensive eggs for Easter
Firstly, potatoes are not as durable as eggs, which are specifically designed to withstand being boiled and decorated. If you try to boil a potato for an extended period of time, it may become soft and fall apart.
Additionally, decorating a potato in the same way as an egg may not be as easy or as visually appealing. Eggs have a smooth surface that takes well to dyes and paints, whereas potatoes have a rougher surface that may not take color as well.
Finally, while potatoes may be cheaper than eggs in some regions or at certain times of the year, they are still a food item that needs to be cooked and consumed. If you use potatoes for Easter egg decorating, you may be sacrificing food that could have been used for sustenance.
In conclusion, while using potatoes as a substitute for Easter eggs may be an interesting experiment, it may not be the most practical or visually appealing solution. It may be more cost-effective to shop around for less expensive eggs or to consider alternative, non-food-based decorations.
Why You Should Raise Chickens For Eggs, Rather Than Buying Them From The Store
The price of eggs in the store have increased so high now that my family is considering raising our own chickens for home fresh eggs. When researching farm fresh eggs vs store bought eggs I was surprised at how many differences there really is. This gave me an idea for a blog post!
Why You Should Raise Chickens For Eggs, Rather Than Buying Them From The Store
Store-bought eggs are usually laid by hens confined to cages or in large confined barns (that's called cage-free) never seeing sunlight, which means no Vitamin D in store-bought eggs. However, raising chickens for eggs are richer in color, yolk density, freshness and shell thickness.
You will find that farm fresh eggs have less of the bad stuff in them, like cholesterol and saturated fat. Yet, they have more of the good stuff, like omega-3's and Vitamins A, D, and E. It makes sense when you stop and think about it though.
So, are backyard eggs better than store eggs? I tested both and can conclude that while fresh eggs may not taste different from store eggs, they have a better texture, keep longer and are also more nutritious.
There are several reasons why you may choose to raise chickens for eggs rather than buying them at the store:
Freshness and Quality: Freshly laid eggs have a different taste, texture, and nutritional value than store-bought eggs. Home-raised eggs are usually richer, more flavorful and more nutritious.
Control over the chickens diet: When you raise your own chickens, you have control over what they eat, which directly affects the quality of their eggs. You can choose to feed your chickens organic or non-GMO feed, for example, and you'll know exactly what they're consuming.
Better for the environment: Raising chickens in your own backyard can be more environmentally friendly than buying eggs from large-scale commercial stores. You can reduce waste by composting the chicken manure and using it as fertilizer for your garden and you can go green by having less packaging waste from egg cartons.
Sense of accomplishment: Raising chickens can be a fulfilling hobby and a great source of pride. You'll have the satisfaction of producing your own food and knowing where it comes from and know that you can thrive in a down economy.
Reduced cost: Although there is an initial cost associated with setting up a coop and buying chickens, raising your own chickens can actually be more cost-effective in the long run. You'll save money on eggs and you may be able to sell surplus eggs to friends, family or neighbors.
Overall, raising chickens for eggs offers many benefits that go beyond simply providing fresh eggs. Whether you're looking to save money, produce your own food or simply enjoy a new hobby, raising chickens and producing your own food, can be a great choice.
Watch for our next blog on how to get started with raising your own chickens. I'm excited to get these implemented in my own yard.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
How to survive an avalanche
Here at Dragoyle.com we love being outside and in the mountains. We previously posted about sledding down mountain trails safely, but what if you triggered an avalanche while sledding?
An avalanche is when snow or ice slides down a mountain and buries you in its fast approaching path. If you get caught in an avalanche, your best chance of survival is to stay calm and wait for rescue workers to arrive on the scene.
Stay calm
The most important thing to do is stay calm and stay put. If you can't get out of the way, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Obviously just staying away from the avalanche's path is preferred. Sometimes you can't tell where an avalanche might be at. It may not look like it at first, but after an hour or two it could become a nightmare of crevasses and rockslides as snowmelt turns into ice when temperatures start dropping below freezing.
Check the air
If you are caught in an avalanche and was able to survive. You should then look for signs of life around you. There might have been others there weren't so lucky. If you find someone first check for a pulse, breathing and movement. If you find someone who is alive, make sure they are able to move their arms and legs without difficulty before looking for someone else.
If there's another person nearby, ask if they're okay; if so then try to get them out as soon as possible. If there isn't anyone else around you'll need to keep yourself warm by using your clothing or sheltering under a rock until help arrives, but be aware this could take hours depending on how far down the slope your avalanche was triggered from.
Look up, down and sideways to see if anyone else is buried.
Looking for someone buried in an avalanche is one of the most important things to do when you're out skiing or snowboarding. It's also one of the hardest things to do, because it requires that you look at everything around you while also trying to assess what exactly has happened, where it has happened and if it is safe to move forward.
If someone else is buried in an avalanche: Look up! Look down! Look sideways. It doesn't matter how big or small they are—you want to make sure there isn't another person under all that snow before moving on with your search for help!
Signal for help or call 911
You need to call or help, most of the time in an avalanche situation you won't have cellphone service and will need a long distance walkie talkie to contact someone. Be sure and be prepared before an emergency happens and set your walkie talkie to the same channel as the emergency service in your area.
If you can’t signal for help or call 911, use your voice to try and get someone’s attention. If that fails, use a flashlight to signal them in the direction of your location.
If all else fails and there is still no sign of life from anyone outside of where they were skiing (or snowboarding), then it might be time to consider making a break for it on foot—but only if there are no signs of avalanches in the path ahead!
Do not try to dig yourself out of the snow.
If you are buried in snow, do not try to dig yourself out. Digging yourself out could be dangerous and may cause further injury or death. In addition, if there is a chance that your shovel did not penetrate all the way through when it hit something solid (such as another person), then digging will only make things worse!
If you are buried under a large amount of snow and debris, staying calm is essential for survival because being able to think clearly will help keep panic at bay while waiting for rescue workers or others who might help find people who have been trapped by avalanches in mountains throughout the world!
Don't try to dig yourself out of the snow or move around on your own; this could cause more harm than good. Instead, stay still and wait until help arrives.
If there are no rescuers nearby, then it's time to start thinking about how best to get out of this situation without causing any further damage or injury—or even death! Before attempting anything else (including standing up), make sure that all of your basic functions are intact: Breathing is vital; so too is blood flow throughout all major organs (heart beating strong). Finally, make sure that none of these organs are damaged beyond repair; if so then obviously stop trying anything else right away!
Once rescuers arrive tell them all the information you can about your injuries and about anyone else you know of that might have been involved in the avalanche as well. Then let the rescuers take over and rescue.
If you have any questions contact us at support@dragoyle.com or visit dragoyle.com for more blogs, thriving tips and survival hints.
Friday, February 17, 2023
10 Healthy Ways To Deal With Stress
Stress has been linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and may other life threating health issues. Dragoyleis a huge believer in thriving in life. You can't do that with a ton of stress. Stress puts you in survivor mode, lets learn to survive, so you can Thrive with 10 healthy ways to deal with stress.
Stress creeps up as you’re surviving life, growing your business while also trying to manage the day-to-day. Stress can be a powerful motivator, but what happens when it’s not delt with?
High levels of stress can impact sleep and lead to more serious mental health issues. Learning how to deal with stress is an important skill for every entrepreneur.
What causes stress?
Stress is a reaction in the body causing a “fight or flight,” response, which is the primary function of stress. When your brain senses danger, it produces a physical and emotional response to safeguard the body.
Sometimes our fight-or-flight response activates when we aren’t in real danger which is what causes physical signs like increased heart rate, dizziness and faster breathing.
Stressors can be split into two types:
External stressors. These are situations usually out of your control and forced by your environment and by different changes occurring in your life.
Internal stressors. These include thoughts or behaviors and habits usually that you can control, like your daily schedule or sleeping patterns.
How stress affects you mentally and physically
Small amounts of stress can be motivational and even empowering. This type of stress, referred to as acute stress, is generally not worrisome.
An external stressor may be a fast-approaching vehicle, about to hit your car. A stress response may be triggered, heightening your senses and providing a boost of energy needed to quickly maneuver out of the way.
The Yerkes-Dodson law states that managed levels of stress can actually lead to increased work performance, interest in your hobbies, family and friends, as well as, a longer attention span on normal life tasks.
Humans are not designed to live in a constant state of high stress.
Chronic stress, often referred to as “bad stress,” can happen as a result of sustained exposure to a toxic workplace environment, an abusive relationship or financial problems.
Chronic stress can painfully impact one’s life physically, spiritually and mentally. Studies have shown that continuous stress can wreak havoc on the body’s immune system, cause depression and damage organs. Those who don’t find healthy ways to deal with your stress may also see an impact on mental health—prolonged stress can lead to depression and anxiety.
9 healthy ways to deal with stress
Understanding how to use stress to your advantage is a skill that you can master over time. You can become an expert at having healthy relationships, good time management and to use good stress as an energy boost during an emergency. But this relies on keeping bad stress at bay. Here’s how to manage stress using daily habits and making adjustments to your mindset.
1. Prioritize what’s important
Stress often results from having too many demands that divide your attention. Prioritize these demands, then tackle them one at a time in the order that both meets your goals, is most important and brings a feeling of accomplishment.
When prioritizing tasks, ask yourself two questions:
What is the importance of this task?Does it help me meet my personal and professional goals? Is it in line with my personal values? Does it contribute to my overall health and wellbeing?
How urgent is it?Will putting of this task have negative consequences for myself or others at work or at home?
The answer to these questions will help you organize your demands into four categories. Write out the list below and put our demands into the correct section.
Using this framework can help you sort out your to-do list and focus on what matters most to you, while ignoring, delegating, or outright deleting the rest.
2. Learn to say no
For many, say no can be challenging. Overcommitting can lead to unhappiness and unfulfilled promises, as stress creeps in and your schedule gets crazier. Learn to say no carefully and thoughtfully to save space to focus on the promises made that are more meaningful to you and the people around you.
3. Get physical
The thought of adding exercise to your schedule shouldn’t cause even more stress. That’s why it’s important to pick a workout that you enjoy. Activities as simple as walking the dog or doing 15 minutes of desk yoga can have a positive impact.
Most people know that getting some exercise can have positive impacts on your mental and spiritual health which is linked to lowering stress levels and improving your overall health.
4. Take time to relax
Technology is great, but causes stress when you're forced to juggle multiple projects, stay in touch with friends and family, and manage, not only your life, but your work from your phone. These days the world expects an instant reply, dependency on technology could be causing increased stress.
💡 Tips:
Turn off non-essential phone notifications
Try a meditation app to de-clutter your mind for short burst of time
Disconnect from devices and meet friends in person
5. Automate and delegate
Most people can find it hard to relinquish control, especially those who are independent. Learning to outsource can free up time to focus on what matters. Once you’ve organized your tasks and stressors the urgent–not important category is a great place to pass some of your duties down to others.
Automationinvolves using tools to complete simple tasks. This can be anything from an automatic watering system to a social scheduling calendar that post regularly for you.
Outsourcingcan mean hiring a virtual assistant to manage personal tasks, or hire a house cleaner, dog poop cleanup company or yard service.
6. Breathe deeply
Science has explored the link between deep breathing and stress response. As deep breathing expands your lungs and “encourages full oxygen exchange,” it helps to slow the heartbeat and lower blood pressure.
Deep breathing can be added to your daily schedule for 20 minutes, two times a day. If you prefer a guided approach, try a meditation app or group yoga class that focuses on breath and mindfulness. My favorite app is Insite Timer, I've been using it for years with great success and it's free.
7. Practice self-awareness and know your limits
Your body is constantly sending you warning signs or physical symptoms when your body is overwhelmed with toxic stress. Back pain, stomach issues, or headaches may show up as direct reactions to chronic stress. Pay attention to your body. Do not ignore these stressors as they can lead to more serious health issues.
8. Engage in meaningful pursuits
If When your job or home stress is piling up, take a minute to seek activities that stimulate your brain, encourages imagination, works muscles that aren't normally used or something that always puts a smile on your face.
Creative activities can actuallylower cortisol levels, a hormone that is noted as a marker of stress. If your regular schedule is in front of a digital screen, spend your free time disconnecting and try a hands-on activity that works out a new part of your brain.
9. Ask for help
Sometimes stress can reach a level that is beyond personal intervention. When it becomes impossible for you to use the techniques described here, reach out to a friend or family member, join a support group, or call a professional mental health expert. If you feel overwhelmed, isolation can make your stress levels even worst, don't wait and reach out. Even if you don't want to.
Manage stress for mental and physical health
By adding a few of these stress management techniques to your daily routine can help reduce your stress and improve the symptoms that chronic stress causes.
10. If these stress management techniques are too difficult or you just don't have time for them, you might consider CtrlStress.
With Ctrlstress, you'll have the tools you need to manage your stress no matter where you are or what you're doing. Imagine feeling calm, focused, and in control no matter what life throws your way. You'll be able to handle any situation with ease, knowing that you have the power to manage your stress and maintain your composure
The best part? Ctrlstress is easy to learn and quick to apply. With just a few minutes of practice each day, you'll be well on your way to mastering the skill and taking control of your stress. And, unlike other stress management techniques, Ctrlstress doesn't just treat the symptoms. With repeated use, it will actually lessen your body's response to stressful situations, making you more resilient in the face of adversity.
The benefits of Ctrlstress don't stop there. Imagine how your life will change when you're no longer bogged down by stress and anxiety. You'll have more energy, more focus, and more time to enjoy the things you love. You'll be able to excel in your career, build stronger relationships, and achieve your goals with ease.
In How to survive everything apocalyptical, part 2 we talked about how important it is to watch the economy and the products and services that are offered, so you can create win-win trades to increase the chances of your community to start to thrive.
In economics, there are two main divisions to consider: microeconomics (micro) and macroeconomics (macro).
When we look at individual actions and choices, or the decisions made by companies, we are looking at the micro side of things.
Policies or data that apply to the economy as a whole rather than to an individual or company, are the realm of macro.
When we hear news of the unemployment rate of a country, the growth rate of developing nations or information from the latest Federal Reserve Board meetings, the discussion has turned to macro.
Economics is the study of how individuals (at the micro level) and societies (at the macro level) can use their limited available resources to deal with the problem of the constant wants.
Even if you view yourself as a minimalist, there are still items you would like to acquire for yourself. Maybe you don’t envision yourself with a Porsche or Maserati, but there is always something that you want which is in short supply.
Clean water, perhaps? Whenever we have a situation where there isn’t enough to go around, so that everyone has as much as they want, economists say there is scarcity. There are a several ways to deal with scarcity.
Essentially, these revolve around the idea of how goods and services should be distributed among the people in the community. Decisions are made to guide societies in answering three key questions:
What to produce
How to produce it
For whom are those things being produced for.
The way a community chooses to answer these questions will have a significant impact on the quality of life of the people who live in that community. At one end we have a free market economy. The three questions of what, how, and for whom, are decided by individuals with no intrusion from the government.
1. What to produce: If you want to start up a hamburger stand because you see a hole in the market, you do it. How you make the hamburgers is up to you. If you want to buy all your meat and produce with in your community, that’s your choice. If you want to press your hamburgers in a waffle iron, that is your choice. If you want to spread peanut butter on your hamburger buns, that is also your choice. Whom you market to is also up to you. Everything is up to you, if you succeed, you are rewarded by increased profits.
The flip side of that is if you make bad decisions (peanut butter hamburgers?), you also have to face the losses resulting from your poor choices. This is not a comfortable easy kind of economic system. It is a dog-eat-dog world and you’re wearing bacon underwear.
2. How to produce it: Success is not guaranteed no matter how much work you put in. However, the anticipation of financial gains or being your own boss motivates many people to give it a try, even though the fear of losses can create caution.
On the other end is a command economy. In a command system the questions of what, how, and for whom are answered by the government. People aren’t free to choose what they want to produce, how or for whom. If you want to be a doctor, but the government decides you will be a gymnastics coach, you’d better learn that front handspring. The biggest problem with the command system is that it doesn’t respond very fast when things go wrong. The chain of command is the person that is controlling the economy and it slows down production.
In a market economy, if you work in a wood factory and the saw that cuts the wood needs a new blade, you can order a replacement from your supplier.
In a command economy, you notify the boss and he starts filling out the paperwork to request a saw blade from the government approved saw blade shop. Now you get to wait for permission to acquire that blade. That paperwork is sitting on the desk of some bureaucrat’s office. Government, can’t act quickly enough to effectively deal with all of your communities problems, in timely manner.
3. For whom are those things being produced for: Every economy combines individual freedom and government control in varying amounts. In market leaning economies, governments frequently step in to regulate businesses. In the US, for instance, you aren’t supposed to sell alcohol to consumers unless they are 21 or over. In command-leaning economies, there are exceptions to total government control.
Economic systems help to create the ways communities organize and allocate resources to reach certain goals. Market systems give these decisions to the individuals guided by market forces, while command systems are more carefully coordinated by government officials.
At the macro level, attention is often concentrated on three areas – price stability, low unemployment, and economic growth. Achieving this trifecta is referred to as economic stability. When economists consider economic growth the only real consensus is that the community all wants economic stability.
Thank you for reading about the third part of How to Survive Everything Apocalyptic. If you are in need of survival or prepping gear, feel free to check out our Prepping & Survival collection.
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