Saturday, October 29, 2022
The Weeds That You Can Use For Survival

The Weeds that You Can Use For Survival
OCTOBER 29, 2022 TRINA BARKLEI don't know about you, but I hate weeding. I am motivated by the reward, the fresh fruits and vegetables. I was visiting with my mother this summer and she showed me a few of the weeds that you shouldn't pull, but use for high quality food and medicinal purposes that you can use for survival situations.
Many of the weeds that we pull out of the garden are not only edible, but very good for us. Besides that we can always use weeds as composting material instead of just bagging and trashing.
There are some amazing salves you can create for medical purposes or infuse them with oils to benefit fully from the so-called weeds that surround us.
Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is normally weeded out due to its painful, stinging hairs, but the leaves and stems can be made into a nutritious tea (brew for 5 minutes then strain) or they can be blanched and eaten like spinach to treat a wide range of conditions, for example, hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis.

Brew a small handful of fresh or dried roots, leaves, and/or flowers in hot water for 5 minutes. You can also add the leaves and flowers to a smoothie for a delicious treat.

Brewing a tea from the leaves and flowers or grinding the roots with warm water makes a caffeine-free alternative to coffee which can produce anti-diabetic and anti-tumor effects.

Chop up and dry the entire plant then infuse it in oil for 2 weeks. Strain and ingest a teaspoon of the oil. It is NOT recommended to use it topically due to potential skin sensitivities.
Dock Weed

Infuse fresh roots and leaves in 40% alcohol for 2 weeks then strain and take half a teaspoon of the liquid tincture every day. You can also eat fresh, new dock weed leaves in small quantities raw, otherwise, boil them to remove some of the oxalic acids.
Wild radish
Both compounds are soluble in hot water, so it’s easy to brew half a handful of leaves and flowers for 5 minutes into a simple tea. It is also a proven wound healer, so can be infused in oil to make a salve.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
10 Top Trending Christmas Gifts of 2022
OCTOBER 20, 2022Finding the perfect Christmas Gift is often a difficult task. Whether your shopping for your family, your best friend or a special someone year after year it seems to get harder and harder to come up with unique gift ideas.
To help you find something for everyone on your list, we've created this 10 Top Trending Christmas Gifts of 2022, so you can get your shopping over fast and easy!
We did a lot of research to find the best of the best items, everything either has a 5 Star rating on Amazon, comes from a 5 Star vendor that was marked at the brand's best-selling item, is named as the recent top trending on TikTok or is simply one of our favorite top selling items.
We have researched all types of gifts from the best gifts for the ladies in your life, best gifts for the men in your life, Do-It-Yourself projects, Gifts for the outdoorsman, Christmas themed gifts and gift cards, so they get to pick their own gift!
1) 3D Hand Making DIY Keepsake Gift
This 3D do-it-yourself kit can create so many fun designs, not just hands. This makes a great gift for the hard to buy person for any occasion including Christmas, Valentines, Birthday, Anniversary and more. Detailed directions are enclosed, so anyone can create a personalized keepsake.
2) Bronze Octopus Mug Holder Table Topper
This Bronze Octopus is the perfect table topper for your next party. It holds your mugs for easy access, so party goers can dip into your punch at ease. The arms of this Octopus mug holder is perfect to hold small to medium size mugs and is a unique decoration to celebrate your unique style.
3) "What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20" - Fill in the Blank Book
Inspiring readers all over the globe to re-imagine their future. This revised and updated edition of “What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20” features new material to complement the classic text. These pages are filled with captivating examples, from the classroom to the boardroom, of individuals defying expectations, challenging assumptions and achieving unprecedented success.
4) Portable Wi-Fi Smart 1080P Laser Pocket Projector
Enjoy an epic viewing experience with an ultra-light size projector that perfect fits in your pocket jeans. The stunning picture quality allows to display from 30" to 100" for any scenario for your active lifestyle. The latest ALPD Laser brings you an energy-efficient and bright projected images with a wide color gamut.
5) Dragon Viking Pendant Necklace with Wooden Box
This Viking style necklace has exquisite details and stunning works of art and comes in a elegant wooden box. All the details of this pendant are well-made and all the patterns are correct and clear. Made of high-quality and durable 316L stainless steel, 100% hypoallergenic, non-rusting, non-fading, non-allergenic.
6) 3D Rechargeable Moon Touch Lamp
Magic Star Moon Light: Making the 3D effect of the moon's surface based on astronomical data by NASA satellite. Color drawing craft make the ball colorful and gorgeous. When the light is turn on, it seems to be in the splendid galaxy. As the color and perspective change, it presents a magical and colorful color.
7) Solar Powered Emergency Radio, Bluetooth Speaker, Flashlight, Mobile Charger
This solar powered emergency radio has a Bluetooth speaker, strong flashlight and several mobile phone charger plugs. This is great for your emergency kits, camping kits and can provide much needed solar power when electricity isn't available due to an emergency situation.
8) Remote Controlled Flying Car Boat
3-in-1 fun with the innovative RC drone that transforms to hovercraft or remote control car in seconds – no tools required. Once activated, the pilot is able to fly the drone to any location without the need to worry about which direction The drone is facing. Strong stability and ease of control.
9) DIY Archaeology Treasure Mining Kits
These awesome DIY Archaeology treasure mining kits are a fun and exciting gift for kids and interested adults. Everyone loved discovering cool things like crystals, semi-precious stones, minerals, fools gold, fossils and pearls. A Most Excellent way to educate kids and family on exploring a life in Archaeology or to just have some good fun!
10) DIY Animal Shaped Wooden Puzzle
This is not just a puzzle, it is a wooden puzzle. It will be a great gift for both a child and an adults for Christmas, birthday, special occasions and more. Everyone loves these colorful do it yourself animal shaped wooden puzzle.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Monday, October 10, 2022
6 Emergency Bunkers You Can Create On Your Property
This blog will show you 6 Emergency Bunkers that you can create on your own property. Building a bunker can feel too huge of a task for most to take on, but the more serious survivalists and preppers know that there is an endless list of scenarios that could warrant needing a safe place to retreat into for you, your friends, family and even pets.
There are many different types of secure safe bunkers with multiple construction methods that you can use to build your bunker. It can be as big or little, fancy or plain, expensive or as cheap as you want or need it to be. However, you need to practice safety in your construction.
Before you start digging you need to find out what your county's permitting process is, get your permits and check with Blue Stakes to make sure you aren't going to dig into a utility, gas or cable line. Make sure you follow all of the rules to avoid expensive mistakes and get all the appropriate permits and follow all of the rules before you start.
Keep in mind that any bunker that you create needs to be able to support your life and the lives of others that may need to use it in an emergency someday. Since you won't be leaving that bunker until the treat that drove you in there is gone, you need to make sure to supply it with enough food, water, prescriptions, medical kits, tools, equipment, radio, communication gear, etc to last as long as that treat on the other side of the door is still there.
It is also important to be aware of ventilation needs and climate control. Without proper oxygen flow, everyone one will be dead in about 3 minutes. You'll also need to make sure that oxygen is filtered properly to remove any contaminants from the air, so all involved can breath properly and without strain.
That being said, here are the examples of 6 emergency bunkers you can create on your property.
1) A Panic Room: A panic room is a small safe room in your house that is concealed from view, where you can retreat to in case of a threat in your home.
This is similar to creating a safe room, but these are hidden within the walls of your home and is a viable option to look at that won't cost a lot of money. These types can have multiple entrances or exits depending on the space, that can be well hidden under a carpet, behind furniture or a bookcase. Just like the panic room, you'll want to reinforce the walls, ceilings and have a solid, strong, hidden door.
This type of room isn't really a bunker, but serves the same purpose of keeping you and your loved ones safe. To make a panic room, you'll need to find a space in your home, that is easy to get to, but can be hidden from view. You'll want to reinforce the walls and ceilings to make sure someone can't break through. I've seen thick pressure treated wood, concrete or steel plates used, but anything very strong is fine, as long as it's not breakable. Be sure that the area you choose can support that extra weight, you might need to install support beams to be sure. Make sure the door is a heavily reinforced door that is hidden, so the threat doesn't even know it is there. Have water and food available and run a phone line in, if you don't get cell reception, so you can call the police.
2) A Crawl Space: A crawl space can be hidden in your walls, under your stairs, in the basement or in a root cellar.
3) A Steel Culvert: Don't get a shipping container, they rust and fall apart with time. Look for a large steel culvert tube to get this project started, it needs to be large enough to construct a livable space inside with room for supplies. Steel culverts are designed to be buried underground, so it is sturdy and strong enough to last your lifetime and probably your grandkid's lifetime as well.
4) An Above Ground Bunker: There are no rules that say your bunker must be underground, in fact, many people prefer an above ground bunker because they are claustrophobic. As long as you take steps to conceal the bunker’s location and build the walls, ceiling, floor, and entrances so that they would be exceptionally difficult to break through, you can construct an above-ground bunker. Be sure to hide this bunker, so others aren't tempted to break in, keep away from prying eyes through the use of trees, bushes and camouflage. You can build an above ground bunker out of strong materials that would be difficult to break into; such as concrete, cinderblocks, bricks or metal plates.
5) Pre-Fabricated Bunkers: If you aren't much of a builder, that's okay, you can purchase a pre-fabricated ready to go bunker that only requires you to dig a hole in the ground for you to put it into. Many people don't have the time or technical skills to build any type of bunker from scratch, so this is a great option and can range in price depending on your needs. There is a huge variety of sizes and styles to choose from, sky is the limit on how much you can spend purchasing one of these units, so do your homework.
6) Bunker In A Hillside: If you have a good sized hill on your property, you may want to digging a bunker into the side of it, but beware, you'll need to hire a professional for this job. This is not a do-it-yourself job, though; since you are effectively excavating the interior of a hillside, you will need to use the services of professionals to do your excavating. In addition, the actual construction of the bunker may also be problematic and require the services of a professional contractor and engineer.
Whatever type of emergency bunker that you choose to secure your family with, just make sure to provide an entrance and an exit with plenty of good ventilation. The likely hood of you needing this bunker is close to nil, but with the crazy things that's been happening in the world today, you never know. Events like civil unrest, rioting or burglary due to the economic crash, may be a reason to slip into your bunker to feel safe from harm.
So, regardless of the reason you have to build your bunker, there is a bunker out there that will suit your needs and budget. I hope this list of 6 emergency bunkers you can create on your property helped you to make the proper structure for your family.
Feel free to write a comment below for a 10% Off discount on your next purchase. Thank you!
Sunday, October 2, 2022
26 Ways To Switch From Surviving to Thriving
1. Schedule time in the morning to write your goals for the day, center your spirit and set your intentions for the day. Be sure to envision how you want your day to go, then take 3 deep breaths and off you go.
2. Aggressively let go of expectations. Expecting something to go a certain way or someone acting a certain way is a quick way of causing you stress and pain. Letting go of those expectations and allowing things to be exactly what they are will allow you to enjoy life without the constant emotional upset.
3. Listen intentionally without judging others. Our natural selves want to analyze and judge people according to our own belief system. Practice paying attention, without forming an opinion or a response, keep eye contact and lean
4. Enjoy time in nature. There is a certain energy in nature, listening to the breeze rustling the leaves, water rushing in a stream, be still and let the energy of nature to ground you back to a peaceful state.
5. Eat good nourishing foods. Grow your own garden, plant fruit trees. You'll find that your body thrives, is in less pain and will heal faster when eating right.
6. Start dancing when you feel stressed out. Fluid motion releases tension, playing your favorite music increases energy and releases dopamine to give you a temporary high.
7. Unplug your electronics and relish in the peace. Most regular consumers have an average of 4 electronic devices that serve as a distraction in reaching your goals and intentions for the day. Reduce your screen time and tune into the feeling of peace within you.
8. Be grateful for the things you have in life. Focus on the things you love in life and what you admire. Be mindful of complaining too much, as this will reduce your focus to achieve abundance.
10. Show appreciation for the people who support you, send a thoughtful note in the mail. Appreciation will uplift your spiritual energy and of those you show appreciation to.
11. Enjoy activities you've never done before. Expand your views and experiences, never stop exploring the endless opportunities that the world has to offer you.
12. Get lost in an enchanting book and expand your horizons to jump start your creativity and imagination to bring yourself into a magical wonderland.
13. Spend quality time with friends and family We all have busy lives, but set an intention to spend time with your friends and family, talk to them about your goals and ask them to help keep you on track.
14. Write in your journal every day to get those emotions out of your head on onto some paper. Be honest and write until any negative emotions are completely expressed. This releases them and can help shift energy back to a good space.
15. Take a step towards your goals every day. Even a small step is making forward motion. These small actions will add up to help you succeed in manageable bite-size pieces.
16. Create your own "I Am' statement. Many people struggle with loving themselves and need constant reminders. Think about your positive qualities and write them down, put them up where you can see them daily and read them out loud to yourself.
17. Decide to learn something that you think to be difficult. Push the boundaries of your comfort zone and try out something new. When you accomplish something that you feel is hard, you increase your self-confidence and learn to love yourself even more.
18. Build empathy and connection to others. Trying to feel what another person is going through and imagine that you are going through it as well can create a close connection to that person.
19. Grow a plant and enjoy the transformation of a seed sprouting into a plant can be inspirational and empowering. Make it a herb or vegetable and enjoy the harvest as well.
20. Give a genuine compliment to a stranger. When providing a compliment to someone we don't know, it provides a power within them to uplift their day and yours.
21. Enjoy and embrace your alone time. Get to know yourself and discover how wonderful and blessed you are is one of the most important things in being able to thrive in life.
22. Choose to express love instead of fear. Being mindful about your feelings and being able to control that fight or flight instinct is a skill that needs practice and patience. Once controlled you have the power to choose to love others and since love always wins, You win.
23. Find the good in every situation. This takes a lot of practice as well, don't wait for a bad situation to start learning this skill. Practice finding good things were ever you are, so it comes naturally when you encounter a negative situation. Finding positive in the negative can save you a huge amount of grief and pain. This is a huge step towards thriving in life.
24. Laughter is the best medicine for your heart, soul and emotions. Look for opportunities to laugh at life, at surviving and laugh without inhibition. This can bring more light, energy and joy towards your journey to thriving.
25. Find your true purpose in life. What are you truly passionate about? Set intentional small goals to reach that passion, you can have multiple passions in life, but finding that main purpose and owning it every day can push you to a life of thriving.
26. Pay it forward. When others do kind things for you, be sure to pay it forward and do kind things for others in return without expecting recognition. Don't forget to let go of expectations. Sharing your energy and heart with others will bring you to a life of thriving.
I hope you have enjoyed these 26 ways to go from surviving to thriving in life and that you were able to get some assistance, good ideas or encouragement in your life.
Let me know if I missed anything or if you have comments below. Thank you!