Friday, July 29, 2022



JULY 29, 2022

Don't just try to survive, THRIVE!

In a world of uncertainly, we seem to concentrate on just surviving life, but to thrive in your life, career, home you are impacting lives and securing your future. What if all of your struggles were designed for you, that you need to go through what you have to be successful in life. What if life happened For you not To you?

Now is not the time to play small in life, most people will do that, but it is the right time to gain capabilities, take action and thrive instead of just trying to survive. Are you wiling to make a necessary pivot in life to grow and discover exponentially during this economy shift?

when you feel like you're downding its time to start thriving. surviving isn't good enough, take 10X action to create the life that you want not drownd in the life that you don't want

Many people these days are feeling overwhelmed with too many things hitting them at once, they are feeling lost and don't have direction, they feel like they are drownding, but not getting anywhere, they aren't where they want to be in life and are tired of not living life to its fullest potential. Wanting more in life and knowing you can achieve more is the best way to generate passion for those wants and building that pathway to create what you desire. 

When you are thriving in life you are filled with clarity and direction, you feel confident in yourself and start creating goals and plans to live life to the fullest, you enjoy your relationships, feel peace and have a great quality of life. Focus on creating a better you, better life, better relationships. 

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Have I gone through a mess that taught me something valuable?
  • Have I learned skills or gotten really good at something?
  • Do I have a hobby or passion that I've invested a lot of time and money into?

Imagine taking any of those situations and turning it into generating multiple streams of income. Extracting what you already have and sharing it with the exact people that need it is the perfect way to start thriving in life. Finding a niche and creating and income from it is up to you and your experiences. 

Some of the most popular niches these days are:

  • Vegetable Gardening
  • Marketing Coach
  • Yoga and Stretching
  • Life Coaching
  • Simple App Creation
  • Drawing
  • Trauma Coach
  • Home Bakery
  • Course Creation

There are 100+ more to choose from and you can do this too, you need to do this for your future, so you can thrive not just survive. Remember, it will take 10X more time, effort and tenacity that you think it will, but don't give up. The moment you give up is the moment you failed. You can massively impact your life and generate abundance at the same time.

Inflation is hurting most and investing in yourself and creating self care can be difficult, but finding a way to do so is a must. Let's explore a few ways to thrive in life. Start with your life experiences, your skills, your hobbies and your passions or even the life challenges that you had to overcome and made it to the other side. 

1) Start your own business. There are so many options, but opening a business gives you a great way to help with taxes, create your own income, build a future for not only yourself, but your family, kids, grandkids. If you want to start your own online e-commerce store, comment below and I can help. 

2) Invest into a low cost, high margin game changer. These are hard to find, do your research, if it was easy everyone would do it. This can be in the form of stocks and bond, cryptocurrency or buying into or starting a new trendy business in a tightly defined niche. 

3) Self care is a must! Self care is simply the practice of looking after your own physical and mental health in ways that support a good quality of life and prevent illness or endangerment. Everyone’s self care needs are different and should be based on determining what you need specific to your life style, such as hereditary health and your environment, occupation, habits, interests, stress levels, and more.

Examples of selfcare to consider:

  • Exercising regularly.
  • Eating healthy foods.
  • Fostering and maintaining healthy relationships.
  • Getting good-quality sleep.
  • Seeking professional help when you need it.
  • Following treatment plans for current ailments or diseases.
  • Have a cup of tea.
  • Sit in the sunlight.
  • Take a shower or bath
  • Drink more water
  • Get a massage/facial/pedicure/manicure

4) Be prepared for disasters, emergencies and economic downturns. Disasters can occur naturally (e.g., tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, mudslides, or drought) or be human-caused (e.g., mass shootings, chemical spills, or terrorist attacks). Preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters and traumatic events is essential to the good behavioral health of individuals and communities alike. Find more info here. 

Are you ready to go from just surviving to Thriving? The time is now, just do it! 

Friday, July 22, 2022


Making Frugal Fabulous

Being frugal can be fun and fabulous, but getting there is easier if you have a frugal mindset. Having a frugal mindset is about making smart, sensible choices with your money. It's about understanding and being intentional with how you spend that money and the budget you set. With the economy as it is today, being frugal helps you to plan ahead and take control of your life, your finances and the positive energy that you put into making frugal fabulous. 

It's easy to spot people that are not frugal, they have lots of debt and usually hold down 2 jobs just to keep up with all the stuff that they bought. These days with all the prices going up on housing, gas and food, being frugal has become a necessity of the majority, not just of the few like before the COVID epidemic. It's more important now to become adept at stretching your pennies and saving money whenever you can. 

I was talking to a fairly wealthy friend the other day about the economy and how pretty much everything has increased in price, yet the average pay has stayed the same. He gave me an interesting idea on how to save money, that he uses himself. "I never pay full price for anything." he said, "I look for the sales on items that I actually use, then buy out the store." His purpose was to show the store that he refuses to pay the higher rates, that if the stores see that only 'For Sale' items are flying off the shelves, maybe they will start lowering rates again. Interesting concept, I suppose if more people get on that bandwagon, maybe that would make an impact. We can all contribute in different ways to helping the economy, but personally I'm more worried about providing for my family. 

A few ways to Thrive in life and be a fantastic fun frugal person:

  • Budget your money: Although budgeting isn’t necessarily fun, it is a critical piece of the puzzle. Within your budget, you can prioritize things that matter and ruthlessly cut out things that don’t. 
  • Plan your meals: I know this isn't fun, but when you have a set list of items that you need from the store, it's easier to not over buy and you save a lot on eating out.
  • Cook Larger Amounts: I don't like cooking, so if I don't have to do it everyday that makes it easier when I do have to cook. I make large amounts, then create individual meals, put some in the refrigerator and some in the freezer for later. 
  • Downsize and Minimize: Take a look around, I bet you have many items in your home that you don't use. Sell them, get some value out of them. Clean out your garage, go through your clothes, do you really need all of those gadgets? The key is, don't sell then rebuy new things. Sell and put that money towards bills or in savings. 
  • Grow your own Food: Not only is it healthier for you than what you can buy at the store, but you are then starting to Thrive by not having to rely on the store. There are many different easy ways you can start, check out our garden selection for awesome planting options.
  • Free Fun Adventures: There are a ton of free things you can do that don't cost a cent, such as going to the park, play board games, go swimming, go on a bike ride, take a free online course, write out your life plan/goals, having a picnic, or having a bonfire are just a few free fun things to do.

Living frugally doesn’t have to be a sacrifice, but a way to thrive instead of just surviving. Make an effort to think of frugality as a way to fully enjoy what you care about in life. When you have your money under control, it can be easier to spend on things that matter. 

Saturday, July 16, 2022


300 Wants Challenge by Dragoyle

JULY 16, 2022

Have you heard about the 300 wants challenge? Time to get your list started, so you can stop just surviving in life and start Thriving. 

Any life coach, guru, business coach or personal coach will tell you that you need to write down what you want in life, your goals, asperations, because writing them down helps make it real. 10% is the average of items on your list that will come true, you must believe you can achieve these things at some point in your life time. Therefore, writing 300 wants down on a piece of paper (not a digital list) will result in you getting at least 30 of your wants to come true!

Let's get started, write at least 300 things down that you want. At about 75, you might get stuck so begin to ask yourself a few questions to help keep you motivated. How many cars do you want? What kind of car? What color? Where do you want your next house to be? Do you want a summer home? What about your finances? Your relationships? Your love life? What do you want to learn, do, achieve?  Where do you want to go?

At first I didn't think I could do this because all my life I've taken care of everyone else's wants, never really knowing what I wanted. I never had a chance before to express or even think about what I wanted. It took a lot of thinking to even begin, but once I got going and really took a look a myself, I discovered a great deal that I wanted. 

When you document your wants on an actual piece of paper, not only does this create a paper trail, but it spells out your thoughts in a way that you can then reflect on them in the future. Some of the most successful individuals always carry a notebook around with them so they can write anything and everything that may come to mind. I’m here to encourage you to push past the mental barrier that you have placed on your mind and think beyond those limitations that we hold ourselves. We can achieve more than we think is possible and I know you can do this. 

Anything that encourages you closer towards your ultimate goals should be a priority and should be approached with a desire to achieve them swiftly and efficiently. Knowing what you really want is something that not everyone even understands about themselves, once you do you can start working towards those future goals and thrive in life. Be sure to review this list often and add to it after the 300 when new wants come up. 

There is so much value in seeing your dreams, goals, and wants spelled out in front of you to review when you need a boost. The task of writing these down is the first step towards giving life to those things that you want; furthermore, this act will hold you accountable to working towards achieving them. Comment below, and let me know how building out your list goes.

300, get ready, get set and go! 

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Don't Just Survive, THRIVE!


Don't Just Survive,


What does Thriving really mean?

In the Merriam Dictionary it says;

1: to grow vigorously: FLOURISH

2: to gain in wealth or possessions: PROSPER

3: to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances

When you’re facing challenging times, how do you overcome and get back to thriving in your life? While it may feel like nothing good can come of your life circumstances these days, the truth is that difficult times can provide a great possibility to learn and grow. Even the toughest situations can transform everything and take your life to the next level.

Albert Einstein said,

Crisis is the greatest blessing for people and nations, because crisis brings on progress… It’s in crisis that inventive discoveries and great strategies rise. He who overcomes a crisis overcomes himself, without being Overcome.”

As human beings, we are meant to be the creators of our lives not just survive, but to thrive. We’re not made to merely survive – we’re made to

So many people today are unfortunately just surviving life and all of it's trials, instead of thriving and moving forward, onward and upward. They have a "just get by" type of mentality and feel like they are just making it day to day. More than likely, they have forgotten who they truly are and have settled for second best without even knowing it.

Four tips to create a life where you are Thriving, not just surviving.

1: Be sure to take care of your health. It won't matter that you're thriving if you don't have good health to enjoy it. Even adding a short walk each day will make a difference, but if you can get out of the house and go camping or hiking, get some fresh air and do this often, the difference in your health, your mental health, your general well being is wonderful.

2: One of the most important things to maintain is a good selection of emergency supplies. Those that don't have anything set aside or have a bug-out bag packed and ready are the ones that lose everything in an emergency situation. Make sure you have a supply of all essentials, not sure what to pack? Click here to get your Free Emergency Preparedness Template.

3: Self-care is extremely valuable when thriving. There are many ways you can take care, but know doing things for you can make you healthier mentally as well as physically. Depression seems to be everywhere these days, so providing yourself some natural healing is even more important that ever before. Relax, get a massage, meditate, read, have some quality alone time, etc. Do whatever it is that brings you peace, joy and brings balance to your soul and chakra.

4. Money. There I said that dirty word. Thriving requires you to have multiple streams of income, without it you'll be stuck in survival mode most of your life. Create a business, sell things online, rent your spare rooms, write a book. You have a skill, probably multiple skills, find ways to make money with those skills. Be creative, you never know what someone out the is willing to buy.

Thriving is also recognized as a “multifaceted” concept. The studies that the authors have reviewed range from child development to military studies. Across these, “thriving” has been alternatively defined as vitality, learning, task focus, “mental toughness,” or a combination of all of these concepts. Receiving support from one’s family, colleagues, and employers is also important, and being given a high degree of autonomy and being trusted as competent are key elements.