Saturday, December 31, 2022

Top 5 Effective Strategies to Lose Weight From Home

In this blog we'll go over the Top 5 Effective Strategies to Lose Weight From Home.  Don't spend a ton of money on a gym, that you'll probably go to once and then give up. 

Losing weight can be a challenge, but with the right strategies, it's possible to achieve your weight loss goals from the comfort of your own home. Here are five effective strategies to help you get started:

  1. Create a calorie deficit. In order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. To do this, track your daily caloric intake and make sure you're consuming fewer calories than you're burning through exercise and daily activities.

  2. Incorporate strength training into your routine. Strength training helps build muscle, which can boost your metabolism and make it easier to lose weight. Plus, it can be done at home with minimal equipment, such as dumbbells or resistance bands.

  3. Drink plenty of water. Water is essential for weight loss, as it helps your body metabolize fat and can also help you feel fuller, so you're less likely to overeat. Aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

  4. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is crucial for weight loss, as it helps regulate hunger hormones and can also help reduce cravings. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night.

  5. Stay motivated. Losing weight can be a difficult journey, so it's important to find ways to stay motivated. This could include setting small, achievable goals, enlisting the support of friends and family, and rewarding yourself for progress made.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can lose weight and improve your overall health from the comfort of your own home. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss program.

If you have any questions about this blog, feel free to write them in the comment section. 

To your good health! 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

 How To Survive Everything Apocalyptic, Part 2

In part 1 of How To Survive Everything Apocalyptic we talked about how knowing economics can provide strategies in creating a new community.  Provide ways to not just survive this apocalyptic situation, but provide value and resources in a way that can help you to thrive.  

This is How To Survive Everything Apocalyptic, Part 2 and we'll continue to discuss how economic concepts can help you thrive in an apocalyptic emergency situation. 

If you're new after the apocalyptic world is limited in resources, you'll need to establish limits that demands production, specialization and trade. You'll need to determine who is going to be best and heading up each of these roles. The role of barter, money and markets as these are going to be the biggest way of organizing your economic growth.

Limited resources economics is also thought of as the study of scarcity. In turn, scarcity is the fundamental problem of what the human wants compared to the actual amount of limited resources available.  

In a world of limited resources economics can be considered the study of scarcity. When resources are scarce, people in your community will have to make, potentially life saving, choices on how those resources will be used. Weighing the estimated benefits against the costs. 

One way to calculate the estimated cost of a resources is to determine the value of the next best resource and its use. When you specialize in producing something that others may not have, trade becomes very valuable to create a thriving community. 

There are three different forms of economic trades:

Zero-Sum Trade - win-loss. One side wins and the other loses in the trade deal. 
Negative-Sum Trade - lose-lose. The losses of the trade outweigh the gains on both sides of the trade. 
Positive-Sum Trade - win-win. The gains of both sides of the trade outweigh the losses
One of the biggest issues of trade is the clear line of property rights. In an apocalyptical environment you may be forced to consistently defend your property. Unfortunately, scarce resources are often used as a reason to wage war, instead of just producing new goods and services.  War usually ends up where both sides lose more resources than anything gained, causing a loss - loss trade scenario. 

As 17th-century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes put it, The condition of man is a condition of war of everyone against everyone, in which case everyone is governed by his own reason, and there is nothing he can make use of that may not be a help unto him in preserving his life against his enemies. (Hobbes, 1651, p. 80)

Building trust in those that you trade with is paramount to having a successful long-term partnership. Therefor, being a trustworthy person with integrity is a must for both partners. Your choice in a trading partner can mean the difference between life and death. It's imperative to find a trading partner that not only needs what you can produce, but also can produce things that you need. 

Three questions you need to ask is:

What is being produced and by who
How are things being produced
Who gets those things that are being produced 
Once those answers are established you need to discover a way to spread that information and coordination to others, so valuable trades can take place. 

As those connections are made, the next step is to discover the value of each product or service that you want to trade or need to get in trade. A discussion on value may cause arguments, but is necessary. If there is a shortage of a certain supply, the rate of trade for that item will likely go up by those producing those items. Shortages and surpluses often occur, it's important to keep up with what is happening in the economy, so your future trades are realistic and fair. 

Innovation is vital for economic growth to occur and is most likely to occur in a market-based economy. Market-based economies work well because they rely on the three Ps of private property, prices, and profit/loss motive which lead to the three Is of incentives, information, and innovation (Boettke, 2012).

When people own private property they have the incentive to use their resources wisely and sometimes cause those property owners to increase their goods and services. However, that is an informational signal that might cause others to trade less with that owner, causing a loss of the trade resources that the owner could have received. 

Your potential output is what can be produced if you fully and efficiently utilize your natural resources, labor resources and capital resources. When resources are destroyed, potential output will decrease and your trade value goes down. When this happens you lack the economic freedom that provides a structure for people to thrive. Economists conclude that not paying attention to the resources available and the potential rate of trade can lead to economic growth and lower levels of poverty among your community. This will result in more win-win trades and encourage more growth and prosperity. Understanding these economic concepts are crucially important to having a community that is flourishing. 

A society that forgets its history is doomed to repeat the mistakes of history.

I hope you enjoyed the second part of How to Survive Everything Apocalyptic. If you are in need of survival or prepping gear, feel free to check out our Prepping & Survival collection. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

How To Safely Camp During Winter Time

How To Safely Camp In The Winter Time

When camping in the snow, it's important to have the right equipment to keep you warm and dry. This includes a warm and waterproof sleeping bag, a sturdy four-season tent, and plenty of insulating layers for your clothing.

How To Safely Camp In The Snow

Hi there, and welcome to our guide on how to camp in the snow. Winter camping can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it does require some special considerations. In this blog, we'll go over some tips and tricks for staying safe and comfortable while camping in the snow.

First, let's talk about gear. When camping in the snow, it's important to have the right equipment to keep you warm and dry. This includes a warm and waterproof sleeping bag, a sturdy four-season tent, and plenty of insulating layers for your clothing. You'll also want to bring along a snow shovel, extra fuel for your stove, and a reliable way to melt snow for drinking water.

Next, let's talk about choosing a campsite. When camping in the snow, it's important to choose a campsite that's sheltered from the wind and has good drainage to prevent snow from building up around your tent. You'll also want to avoid camping on slopes, as these can be unstable and prone to avalanches.

Camping in the snow can be dangerous if you aren't prepared. Without the correct gear you could be risking your life.

Once you've set up your campsite, it's time to stay warm. To do this, you'll need to keep your body warm, your tent warm, and your food and water warm. To keep your body warm, make sure you're wearing plenty of insulating layers and that you're staying hydrated. We also suggest a heated sleeping pad to put in your sleeping bag with you.

To keep your tent warm, use a tent heater or a small propane stove, and make sure you ventilate the tent to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. To keep your food and water warm, use insulated containers and a stove or fire pit to melt snow for drinking water.

Finally, let's talk about safety. When camping in the snow, it's important to be prepared for the possibility of getting lost or stranded. Make sure you have a map and a compass, and that you know how to use them. Bring along a first-aid kit, a emergency shelter, and a reliable way to signal for help, such as a whistle, CB radio or a flare.

Camping in the snow can be a fun and exciting adventure, but it's important to be prepared and to take safety seriously. By following these tips and using the right gear, you can have a successful and enjoyable winter camping trip. Happy camping!

 Check out our camping gear here!


How to Safely Camp in The Snow!

Saturday, December 10, 2022

 How To Survive Everything Apocalyptic, Part 1

Economy collapsing? Zombies attacking you? All your friends and family killed by the epidemic? No worries, I got your back with this guide on How To Survive Everything Apocalyptic. 

Most people make decisions due to the influence and actions of others, but if you make your choices with these basic principles of cultural values and beliefs you'll be able to survive everything. 

Why are property rights fundamental to economics? How can you determine the missed profit on missed opportunities? How can you start thriving in life through the use of trades?

Many spend most of their time in survival mode which dooms them with little hope to move from surviving to thriving for a better life.  Learn more about economics, resources, productivity, gains from trade and economic growth. Don't forget about motivated leaders and not allowing the breakdown of social order.

Would you rather be safe and secure, but lose some of your freedoms OR have free-will and have no security left to protect you?

To have a successful community survivors would need to choose to cooperate with each other, be fair about resources and choose rules to handle conflicts easily, but fairly. 

Without the right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness, our modern world will start swirling down the drain. 

In a world of post-apocalyptical disaster, you'll need to analyze the dynamics of relationships to discover those with sound reasoning that can be approached to improve standards of living. Creating a functioning community with understanding of others situations, then coming together to not only survive, but thrive in the new world you're creating.

Now back to reality, most countries have created a fairly stable economy with options for growth and prosperity. There are usually reasonable systems of laws in place based on the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. 

If the different communities show basic respect for those rules and laws that are in place they can move about freely, pursuing their dreams of achieving their personal goals with minimum concern about having to protect themselves, their home and their families. 

What would you do if you were launched into a world with no laws or rules in place? No reliable streams of outside information, protection and no government to tap into when you need their resources for survival. Trash building up along the streets, random acts of violence, plundering with no sense of safety.

Using economic reasoning as a tool to improve your life and help others as well is essential to keep a safe and productive environment to live. Most people will have the desire to work with you, so they can meet their own personal goals. Even the day-to-day survival is easier when working with others, such as;  gathering food, working, staying fit, being connected with nature and getting a good nights sleep. 

However, be aware that every choice to work with someone will come with a cost of some sort. Sometimes that cost is monetary, but most of the time it won't be. In a survival situation, you will be living in a world of scarcity with limited access to the available resources to utilize in different ways in meeting basic needs, wants and providing comforts and security. You'll need to make important choices on how these resources are used to produce the highest perceived benefits for the lowest realized cost.

Another choice you'll need to make to survive an apocalypse is knowing when you need to flee when danger arrives and when you stay to fight. Weighing the costs against the benefits of the two choices you are faced with in a split second. 

Each individual will need to examine their own specialized set of skills, knowledge and past experiences, so they can determine if they can deliver the highest possible benefit of their decisions with the lowest cost. Basically, by using economic reasoning, the individual is impacted by the actions and decisions made by the others in the community.

What economists have found interesting is that individuals often discover that cooperating with others and looking out for their interests are simultaneously in their own and others’ best interest, especially over long periods of time. 

It's important to create an environment which provides a relatively safe place to stay with food, weapons, ammunition and medicine. After these are established you can redirect your energy  towards  planting gardens, developing friendships, discussing how to build a better future, how to find solutions in eliminating dangers and delegate leader roles and responsibilities.

Each person needs to do their part to be sure their cost in the community doesn't outweigh the advantages of them being there or a serious threat of being forced out of the community will be enforced. 

Of course conflicts will arise and will need to be dealt with as some will choose conflict over cooperation at the expense of others valuable resources. In a thriving community, these resources are sacred and could have been used in a more strategic way for the betterment of the individuals involved and in the foundation of the thriving community as a whole. 

When acting in one's self-interest, you must consider how your actions impact the lives of others and how their response to your actions will impact yours. If everyone keeps this in mind, most decisions with self-interest in mind, can be mutually beneficial to all individuals involved.  

Economists often talk about the principle of comparative advantage. This explains how mutually beneficial exchanges can open doors for people with different skills, experiences and knowledge to work together improving their standard of living.

A person is said to be more valuable to the community if they can do something at a lower opportunity cost than others. If an individual focuses on achieving activities more economically, the group as a whole will be able to produce more than what is otherwise possible creating an opportunity for bartering for resources that you don't' have access to.

You don't have to like the others that you do these exchanges with, you just need to make sure the trade provides equal value to improve the lives in your community. Equally, its important to discover the qualities of each person and appoint them to those roles, so you don't waste their talents and the opportunity of them discovering 

If you don't feel like you have something valuable to contribute to your community, don't worry, there are a lot of ways you can grow and improve your advantages and decrease your cost to the community. You can perform services, completes tasks and produces things that others find menial, but important for survival. Some of these would b keeping a watchful eye on the children, preparing meals and tend to the sick and injured. When individuals in a group prove value in those types of tasks the increase their comparative advantage to the group and everyone is better off at the lower possible cost you now have to the community.

What if the post-apocalyptic community has no money, no monetary value. Markets and online shopping simply doesn't exist. You would turn to humans, who are making all of the decisions in a world of scarcity. Economics can still help shed light on how people can cooperate and improve the world that they have now survived and are thriving in.

Knowing the basics of economics can help us to reflect on the  costs associated with what is lost by choosing to accept one opportunity and no accepting the next best opportunity. Sometimes choices can be costly. Both choices may provide benefits, but at what cost to you and at what cost to your community.

Choosing to respect the community with your choices can reduce your cost to the community and lead to the creation of a thriving society. Help yourself by helping others with time, gratitude and resources. The economy of the group will continue to prosper as long as positive trades continue. 

I hope you enjoyed the part 1 of how to survive everything apocalyptic. Stay tuned, part 2 is coming soon. If you're looking for survival gear be sure to visit our Prepping and Survival collection

Sunday, December 4, 2022


Forgotten Dishes Eaten During The Great Depression

There are some interesting and forgotten dishes eaten during the great depression. Who knows, with our current economy, we may end up going back to a few of these meals from the 1930's, just to survive!

There wasn't a lot in the great depression, so stretching your food to last as long as possible is the only way to keep feeding your family. No all families were lucky enough to be able to eat these ingenious meals.  

The Bologna Casserole was made out of just that, Bologna. If they had the ingredients the will include bacon, onions, peppers, pork and beans, inexpensive cheese and anything else they can find to add to the casserole to make it last. 

Fried Bologna Casserole

The Bologna Casserole was made out of just that, Bologna. If they had the ingredients the will include bacon, onions, peppers, pork and beans, chili, inexpensive cheese and anything else they can find to add to the casserole to make it last. 


hot water pie created during the depression of 1930s to help poor families stretch out their food in an effort to survive
Hot Water Pie
Made with baking ingredients, such as; flour, sugar and butter to create the pie base. Then using boiling water, sugar, butter and eggs for the filling. 




The name is the same as the famous Egg Drop Soup that you find in Chinese restaurants. However, this dish doesn't taste anything like it.  Made of boiling water and eggs. If they have vegetables available, they would add those too.

Great Depression Egg Drop Soup

The name is the same as the famous Egg Drop Soup that you find in Chinese restaurants. However, this dish doesn't taste anything like it.  Made of boiling water and onions, browned potatoes and scrambled eggs with a lot of salt. 


The garbage plate from the great depression helps stretch food.


The Garbage Plate

The great depression garbage plate was often served at diners in the western New York region. Made with a variety of combinations of flavors, but all are loaded with nutrients and needed calories.

The dish is usually made with a combination of home fries, baked beans, macaroni salad, ground beef and sometimes sausage. Then they top this mixture of ingredients with chili, onions, hot sauce, mustard and ketchup.


The great depression cooked bread happens when old bad bread is cut up and cooked in oil or butter to stretch the food


The Great Depression Cooked Bread

This is a dish that's made out of old stale bread, that would be tossed out these days. During the depression they couldn't afford to toss out anything. They would cut the old bread into slices, soak with butter or oil and cook on the stove top. 


Creamed Peas on Toastthe great depression creamed peas with gravy and toast a hearty meal with good nutrients
This is oddly satisfying and has been served at my own family dinners. Made with a gravy that includes flour, butter and milk with salt and pepper.  If they have sausage of some sort, they include it when adding the peas. Pour the mixture on toasted bread and it made a hearty dinner.  
the great depression cabbage soup can provide a great amount of food for a lot of  people or for a long time. Provides great nutrients and made with cabbage onions and vegetables
Cabbage and Dumplings
Cabbage is cheap and provides a lot of soup, they would add onions and any spare vegetables that they might have available.  The dumplings were simply flour and eggs. This soup can be stretched out for days if needed and has good nutrients. 
the great depression fruit salad made as a tasty treat during the holidays
Frozen Fruit Salad
This was a popular dish during the holidays and provides a tasty treat. These are usually made with canned fruit, whipped cream, flour, eggs and mix-ins such as nuts, raisins and marshmallows. 




the great depression meatless meatloaf took place of meat during the great depression due to the lack of meat


Great Depression Meatless Meatloaf

We all know that there was a meat crisis during the great depression, so creating something that resembled meat was often used. 

 The meatless meatloaf could be made out of anything they have hanging around in the refrigerator. Often they used liver, raisins, peanuts or whatever was left in the pantry. It never tasted the same twice, but could be good and nutritious depending on that days recipe. 


Boiled Carrots and Spaghetti with White Sauce replaced spaghetti and meatballs during the great depression of the 1930s


Boiled Carrots and Spaghetti with White Sauce

This was the staple that replaced spaghetti and meatballs during the great depression. Since there was very little meat most families had to find a new way to present this meal. 

The spaghetti is usually boiled for a long time to make it mushy with carrots and white sauce that is made out of salt, flour, milk and butter. It's not as tasty as Spaghetti and Meatballs, but is nutritious and provides food for their family. 



Peanut Butter and Mayo Sandwiches were a normal staple in the great depressionPeanut Butter and Mayo Sandwiches

If a family in the depression was lucky enough to have pantry staples, they would have peanut butter and mayo sandwiches that would provide just enough protein and nutrients to keep one going from day to day.  


Scientists at Cornell University in 1933 invented a gruel called Milkorno, a mix of powdered skim milk, cornmeal, and salt, to help families in need “stretch budgets without sacrificing nourishment," promising “Meals For a Family of 5 For $5 a Week.”  As the name implies, Milkorno comes from combining "milk” and “corn.” There were also Milkorno’s step-siblings, Milkwheato and Milkoato. Milkwheato, in particular, was incredibly successful. The government purchased 25 million pounds of it for use in hunger relief efforts.  When boiled, every member of the Milkorno family turns into porridge, though the Bureau of Home Economics considered them a decent substitute for noodles in Chinese chop suey.


The Great Depression Milkorno

Scientists at Cornell University in 1933 invented a gruel called Milkorno, a mix of powdered skim milk, cornmeal, and salt, to help families in need “stretch budgets without sacrificing nourishment," promising “Meals For a Family of 5 For $5 a Week.”

As the name implies, Milkorno comes from combining "milk” and “corn.” There were also Milkorno’s step-siblings, Milkwheato and Milkoato. Milkwheato, in particular, was incredibly successful. The government purchased 25 million pounds of it for use in hunger relief efforts.

When boiled, every member of the Milkorno family turns into porridge, though the Bureau of Home Economics considered them a decent substitute for noodles in Chinese chop suey.


Hot milk toast used during the depression


Hot Milk Toast 

Often used for breakfast, but can be used as a desert as well, depending on what is put on top.  Usually used with old bread, toasted and buttered. Then heat up some milk and pour it over, enough to make the bread soggy. When used for desert they would sprinkle a little sugar and cinnamon on top. Truth be told, I was raised on hot milk toast and I didn't live through the depression, but I loved it!

In the midst of the Great Depression, Americans found creative ways to stretch their food dollars and provide nourishment for their families. They ate a variety of unusual dishes that made use of the ingredients they had on hand like food that they foraged or grew in their gardens.

Whether you’re looking for some fun and frugal new recipes or you just want to explore a unique period in America’s history, consider whipping up a few of these odd Great Depression meals today! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Be Prepared For An Avalanche

You never think it is going to happen to you, but you need to be prepared for an avalanche during the upcoming winter months.

Before you go out into potential avalanche prone areas, make sure you have the training, equipment, and knowledge of what to do to prevent avalanches and how to respond if an avalanche were to occur. 

What is an avalanche?
An avalanche is a mass of snow sliding down a mountainside.

What causes an avalanche?
Avalanches occur when stresses (driving forces), such as the pulling of snow downhill by gravity, exceeds the strength (resisting forces) such as the bonds between snow grains. Four ingredients are needed to produce an avalanche:

  • Snow
  • Weak layer in the snow cover
  • Steep slope
  • A trigger

Where do avalanches occur?
About 90% of all avalanches start on slopes of 30 - 45 degrees; about 98% of all avalanches occur on slopes of 25 - 50 degrees. Avalanches release most often on slopes above timberline that face away from prevailing winds (leeward slopes collect snow blowing from the windward sides of ridges.)

Avalanches can run, however, on small slopes well below timberline, such as gullies, road cuts, and small openings in the trees. Very dense trees can anchor the snow to steep slopes and prevent avalanches from starting; however, avalanches can release and travel through a moderately dense forest.

Who gets caught in avalanches?
Avalanche victims are primarily backcountry recreationists: snowmobilers, climbers, snowboarders, skiers, and hikers.

How do people get caught in avalanches?
In 90% of avalanche incidents, the victim or someone in the victim's party triggers the avalanche.

Additional Information Resources

Utah Avalanche Forecast Center
General Avalanche Information
Source: Utah Avalanche Forecast Center
5 Basic things that can prevent most avalanche accidents: *(watch this video for details)
  1. Get the gear: transceiver, shovel, probe, airbag pack.
  2. Get the training: Be informed and practice a lot on how to use the tools
  3. Get the forecast: Interactive avalanche forecast map
  4. Get the picture: pay attention to the signs
  5. Get out of harms way
Visit this page for information on what to do in back country emergencies. 

Thank you for being prepared for an avalanche, feel free to share this with your friends and family that love the snow!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

A ‘Hobbit House’ that I Would Love to Live In

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.  

Epoch Times Photo

This house was created by, Stuart Grant, 89, in Scotland. He started the home in the early 1980's when he became a newly retired woodcutter. 

Epoch Times Photo

He mostly used materials that he found in the woods surrounding his property and near the village of Tomich, which is located deep in the Scottish Highlands. Little by little he created, with his own hands, this magical cozy home for himself.

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

Grant himself is only 5 foot, 3 inches tall and closely resembles Bilbo Baggins, which makes this home even more remarkable.

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

Grant enjoys wandering round barefoot, building hand crafted wooden furniture and tending to his beautiful plants in the greenhouse. 

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

The front door is carefully crafted round and perfect, just like any hobbit home with beautiful stained glass on both side that nearly perfectly matches.  

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

The project got underway in 1984, decades before “Lord of the Rings” was released onto screens, when Grant was approaching his 40th birthday.

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

In a YouTube interview with his friend Iain Maclean, who was in the area to film the project, Grant said that he’d been living in Australia prior to 1984, but returned home to Scotland following a divorce and a struggle with his health.

“I came back a broken man in every way, financially, physically … and spiritually,” he said.

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

Besides being an amazing woodworker, Grant is also a gifted artist.

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

He had originally intended on renovating the cottage on the property, but soon realized that the cow shed had better views and more potential to create his fairy tale home on a budget. 

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

The roof is covered in living green moss, climbing green ivy crawls up the exterior walls, the ceilings have beautiful wood beams and the windows mullioned.

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

Cozy touches are adorned throughout the cozy cottage, from sheepskin rugs and tartan throws to unique crochet quilts. 

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

Outside is a flower-filled garden with a pretty pond and a greenhouse for growing his own fruits and vegetables. A perfect way to Thrive in Life!

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

The delightfully secluded area has not been without visitors.

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

After Maclean’s video of the cottage emerged in 2009, a handful of “Lord of the Rings” fans made their way to the cottage to meet the man who dreamed and hand crafted his very own “Hobbit House.”

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

I hope you enjoyed taking a virtual visit of a hobbit house that I would love to live in.

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

This is a man who knows how to survive life, so he can Thrive in Life! 

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life. (Photos Courtesy of Kahlum Grant, original article found at

An adorable 'Hobbit House' that I would Love to live in at the drop of a hat. I'm short and don't need much space, the house is just my size and the greenhouse is perfect for me o grow my own food and Thrive in Life.

Find your thriving gear in our Prepping & Survival collection

Sunday, November 6, 2022

6 Tips to Fake it Til You Make It


6 Tips to "Fake it til you make it"

NOVEMBER 5, 2022

"Fake it till you make it" is an English aphorism which suggests that by imitating confidence, competence and an optimistic mindset, a person can realize those qualities in their real life and achieve the results they seek.

The idea of faking it till you make it is controversial, with some people feeling that this behavior is being inauthentic and ego-driven. In my opinion a misinterpretation of the phrase as being the culprit here. This old aphorism is not meant to suggest that you tell lies or take a position for which you are strongly unqualified.

How to create self confidence by using fake it til you make it and build a great life with success and survive life so you can thrive in life

The correct interpretation is that this concept is about ramping up your confidence, pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone and learning new things. There is a plethora of research available to prove that embodying the persona of a successful, happy individual is one of the most effective methods to meet your goals and achieve your dreams.

When I was younger I had horrible self confidence. I felt like I wasn't good enough to enjoy life, to have a good career or to have a happy relationship. I didn't do anything about it because I didn't think I could. 

Then I had my first daughter, I was so worried that I wouldn't be a good mother. I didn't feel confident enough to be a good mother, so I started faking it. I didn't feel confident enough to be a good provider, so I started faking it. I didn't feel confident enough to be a survivor, so I started faking it. I didn't feel confident enough to thrive in life, so I started faking it. 

Sometimes I felt overwhelmed, but I kept trying, kept learning, kept faking it until I finally started feeling like I was a good mother, a good provider, a survivor and to finally thrive in life. There were so many things that I never thought I could do, but I started to fake it, until I actually made it and you can too!

When you feel a lack of confidence and feel sad or that you aren't good enough try to fake it til you make it and see how you can start seeing success

When you are feeling insignificant, not good enough, not smart enough try out these 6 tips to "fake it til you make it". 

1) Reflect on a recent situation in which you felt not good enough or upset in your behavior due to a lack of confidence. If you were a confident person, how would you have reacted differently? Challenge yourself to approach an upcoming situation with greater confidence. Be bolder than you feel you usually are at the next meeting, the next social event or family activity and put your hesitance aside. Practice approaching new people, talking to them and smiling. It might feel odd at first, but keep trying to be confident and it will continue getting easier and more natural. 

2) Force a smile, even when you have a bad day. Facial expressions and body posture creates what researchers call a feedback loop. This action causes the brain to interpret and respond to a smile and positive postures in such a way that triggers a satisfying chain of events. In this study, participants were asked questions that identified their emotional state before and after smiling. The subjects overwhelmingly scored happier after smiling. In one study, participants watched themselves smile in a mirror. These participants showed a more significant change in mood than those who smiled without the mirror.

writing your goals down and reviewing them daily is a great way to improve your life if you're not feeling successful fake it til you make it

3) Rather than focusing on the negatives in life, spend some time thinking or writing about your goals and how you want to thrive in life. This study had groups of participants prepare for a group exercise in three different ways. One group wrote about their desires and aspirations, another group was asked to write about their duties and obligations in life and yet another about their commute to the location. In the next step, they were separated into subgroups containing one person from each exercise category. They were directed to create a hypothetical startup company. Finally, participants were tasked with ranking the initiative of each person in their group, including themselves. The individuals who wrote about their goals and aspirations were most respected and admired by their teammates. They were also viewed as more proactive and competent. Writing, thinking, and talking about your dreams and goals will give you the boost you need to stretch your comfort zone. Faking being successful in life can lead to being exactly that. 

4) Pay attention to the behavior of leaders that you admire. Watch how they respond in various scenarios and practice those behaviors. Commit to events that provide learning experiences and challenge yourself in learning to raise your skill level. Faking it till you make it does not mean faking knowledge that you never bother to gain.

when you feel bad smile and smile into a mirror smile at others and see how contagious your smile can be by counting how many people you can get to smile with your own smile and you'll feel happy and more confident

5) There is a danger of falling into The Imposter Syndrome patterns if you believe you're faking your success by lying to get what you want. You are not an imposter, not if your intentions are honest and moral. Fake it til you make it is about improving yourself, not lying about who you really are. You're proving to yourself that you can be confident and successful, not trying to scam people. You're not trying to prove to anyone else that you are happy and accomplished, just yourself. That's all you need. Remember, with each positive forward step you take, you are one step closer to what you want in life. You actually did it, you did not lie your way into it. You may have acted more confident than you felt, but you did deliver what you promised. You can't fake that.

Watch yourself moving up as your actions and behavior become more natural, creating a strong foundation to build upon.

6) Be sure to fake it for the right reasons, not to boost your ego or be artificial. The purpose of "Fake it til you make it" is a concept that is meant to boost your confidence and help you get out of your own way, so you can be successful in life. If something does not feel honorable and authentic, don't do it. Don't lie about your experience and qualifications. Instead lean on your ability, passion, and work ethic.

If this blog helps even one person to fake it til you make it successfully to create a better life, a more confident life, to survive, so you can thrive, all my past pain will be worth it.  These 6 tips to "Fake it til you make it" is designed to help others have a better life, please comment if you have any success.  Thank you!